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Cooperstown Calendar

* Things to do during your Cooperstown family vacation

* Community news updates

Baseball Hall of Fame

Bassett Healthcare

Cooperstown Art Association

Cooperstown Concert Series

Farmers' Museum

Fenimore Art Museum

Glimmerglass Opera

New York State Historical Association

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Cooperstown NY, Area Lodging
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Cooperstown NY Hotels

Twenty Minutes to Cooperstown:
Cherry Valley NY Hotels
Richfield NY Hotels

Thirty Minutes to Cooperstown
Oneonta NY Hotels

Forty Five Minutes to Cooperstown:
Cobleskill NY Hotels
Herkimer NY Hotels
Utica NY Hotels

Sixty to 90 Minutes to Cooperstown
Albany NY Hotels
Binghamton NY Hotels
Little Falls NY Hotels
Norwich NY Hotels
Schenectady NY Hotels
Schoharie NY Hotels

Two to Two-and-One-Half Hours to Cooperstown
Old_Forge NY Hotels 
Saratoga Springs NY Hotels
Syracuse NY Hotels
Skaneateles NY Hotels



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